Monday, August 2, 2010

Type of classes that I dislike

Study is something important and is needed to our life. Study help us to gain the knowledge which is needed in our life. Therefore, we need to attend different type of classes in order to to learn and absorb the knowledge which is teaching by the teacher in the class. But in order to learn effectively, we need to like the classes we attend and the environment of the school must be likable, if not we can't really concentrate and focus during the class. Classes which have bad lecturers, bad environment and bad timing is the type of classes I dislike the most.

First of all, I do not like the classes with bad lecturers. For example, lecturers which do not have any sense of humor. This can cause students in the class feel boring and tired because the lecturer cannot make the class seem more lively and interesting. Thus, this will cause the students not paying full attention to the teacher. Not only that, lecturer who teach in a straight way without further explanation also one of the type of the lecturer that I dislike. This teaching method will just make student feel hard to understand bout what the lecturer is teaching.

In addition, bad environment of the class also one of the classes I dislike. Classes with bad lighting is one of the example of this. Lighting is very important in the class. If the class does not have good lighting, it can cause the students feel dizzy and can't concentrate well in the class. Besides, classes that are too hot and cold can also cause the students hard to focus in the class. Furthermore, classmate who are noisy make me hate the class as well because this can make me even hard to concentrate in the class.

Finally, classes that have bad timing also the classes i hate the most. Classes like morning classes is consider the classes that have bad timing. Time like 7 or 8 in the morning is too early for the student. It is easy to fall asleep in the classes because students are not completely awake yet. Besides, the afternoon classes such as 1 o'clock in the noon is not good as well because this is the time that people will take their lunch or a short nap. Not only that, night classes such as 8pm or 9pm also not a good timing for student to attend classes.

In short, in order to study effectively, not only we need to study hard but also need a good lecturer, good study environment and a good timing for study. All of this play an important role too.